Projects and Networks

Tredu is an active partner in international projects and networks. Our international networks and cooperation support our basic task of providing and developing vocational education and competence.

We collaborate with over 60 international partners in and outside Europe. With a proven quality in organising VET mobility for students and staff, Tredu has been accredited as a holder of Erasmus+ VET Mobility Charter again for 2021-2027.

Kansainvälisten projektien rahoittajien logot

Ongoing Projects

  • The project develops digital tools and learning methods for carpentry vocational training, and provides a broad overview of the state of the profession in Europe, both in educational institutions and in industry. The project will produce and test practical teaching content and new teaching materials.

    The use of CNC technology, laser machining and robotics in woodworking will be presented to the co-organisers as part of Tredu’s professional competences.

    Project duration: 1.9.2023–31.8.2025

    For more information, visit the project website (in Finnish)

  • The purpose of these projects is to support the international mobilities of students and staff.

    The goal of internationalization in education, and studies or work-based learning abroad is to provide students with professional skills and abilities which enable them to operate in a multicultural environment and to pursue an international career.

    Staff mobilities also provide a great opportunity to gain valuable international experience and develop professional and language skills.

    Project duration: 1.6.2022–31.5.2025

    For more information, visit the project website (in Finnish)

  • The project is linked to the strengthening of European content and awareness as part of Tredu’s education.

    The project will produce teaching support material and strengthen English language material, especially in relation to EBBD implementation. In addition, the project will focus more broadly on the possibilities for increasing the European curricula at Tredu.

    Project duration: 15.9.2023–14.9.2026

    For more information, visit the project website (in Finnish)

Finished Projects

  • The project is funded by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs / Finnpartnership. The project is part of the implementation of Tredu’s Smart Technology strategic development focus.

    Tredu’s objective is to support Namibians in building a regulatory approved aircraft maintenance training and training organisation (EASA, Part 147/66) in Africa, and to provide training for future aircraft maintenance educators. 10 people from Tredu will participate in the project in different roles.

    Project duration: 21.9.2022–31.7.2024

    For more information, visit the project website (in Finnish)

  • Duration: 1.11.2019–31.8.2023

    This project offers opportunities to explore the possibilities of sustainable development in teaching and learning across Europe. During this project, we will examine the situation in different countries and share and discover good practices and ideas on sustainable development.

    During LTT periods (Learning, Teaching and Training), the partner schools introduce different local practices and e.g. organize visits to companies and other places where sustainable development is an integral part of their operation.

    The coordinator of this project is from Germany and other partners involved are from Finland, Denmark, Italy and Spain.

  • Duration: 22.2.2021–30.9.2023

    This project responds to the need to develop education and working life to benefit from and meet the needs of modern technology. The funding makes it possible to acquire equipment needed to use virtual and augmented reality in teaching.

    During this project, methods and good practices on using different virtual learning environments (VR and AR) and tools in teaching and working life will be tested and shared between the European partners and companies. New teaching material will also be produced.

    The project coordinator is from Germany and other partners involved are from Finland, Spain, Italy and the Netherlands.

  • Duration: 30.6.2021–31.12.2023

    This project is linked to the multidisciplinary use of digital tools and new technologies in vocational education and training.

    The project’s background is in the challenges, successes and good practices in distance learning brought on by the Covid-19 pandemic. Information on these is gathered and distributed within the project coalition and more broadly within the Network of Networks.

    The project coordinator is from Northern Ireland and other partners involved are from Finland, Italy, Spain, the Netherlands and Ireland.

  • Duration: 1.3.2022–29.2.2024

    EUMOSS is a project for developing security sector teaching and training curricula and content that considers the growing need in the market, differences in legislation and other specific needs for training.

    The coordinator of this project is from Germany and other partners involved are from Finland, the Netherlands and the Czech Republic.

    For more information, visit the project website (in Finnish)

    Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.

    Open educational resource (OER), published with free licence.

  • The purpose of these projects is to support the international mobilities of students and staff.

    The goal of internationalization in education, and studies or work-based learning abroad is to provide students with professional skills and abilities which enable them to operate in a multicultural environment and to pursue an international career.

    Staff mobilities also provide a great opportunity to gain valuable international experience and develop professional and language skills.

  • Duration: 1.11.2018–30.4.2021

    This project brought together curricula and teaching materials for students and teachers in the plastics sector and technology in Europe. The project focused on plastics and rubber industry in the field of mechanical engineering and production technology, but the content can also be utilized in further studies, apprenticeship training and training for businesses in other fields of education as well.

    Visit project’s website

  • Duration: 1.11.2019–30.4.2022

    This project is linked to the cooperation of Network of Networks and Finn-Net, which continues also after the end of this project.

    The aim is to collect and share good practices within networks. Networks involved: Finn-Net (Gradia, Tredu, Salpaus, Varia) and networks from the Netherlands (TDA), the Basque Country (HETEL) and from Scotland and Northern Ireland.

    Visit project’s website

  • Duration: 1.9.2019–31.12.2022

    In this project, teachers and students from different fields of education collaborate in solving challenges related to welfare technology. The goals include guiding teachers towards new methods of teaching and learning, cooperation between curriculas and making the use of welfare technology easier and more accessible.

    The project utilizes LTT weeks (Learning, Teaching and Training) and virtual learning environments. As an end result of the project, the aim is to prepare a handbook for teachers describing the different cases met during the project and the pedagogical methods used.

    This project is coordinated by Tredu and other partners involved are from Finland, the Netherlands and Spain (The Basque Country).

  • Duration: 1.11.2019–31.12.2022

    Vehicle repair industry is changing and the use of electric vehicles is on the rise. In this project, a combustion engine vehicle is turned into an electric vehicle. In all participating countries, the students will work through the entire vehicle conversion process with their teacher.

    This project will provide a broad overview of the current situation of this field of education in Europe as well as new teaching material. During the project, practical teaching content and virtual teaching material will be produced and tested to be also more widely distributed for the use of multiple suitable fields of education.

    The project’s coordinator is from Spain and other partners involved are from Finland, France, Romania and Turkey.

  • Duration: 1.3.2020–31.5.2023

    The project idea is strongly linked on developing the pedagogy of online learning and utilizing digital teaching content in vocational education and training. The project is targeted towards developing the skills and approaches of teachers working with special needs students.

    The project is coordinated by Kiipulasäätiö and it involves partners from Finland, Austria, Germany and Italy.